How to make a dental photography portfolio

How to make a dental photography portfolio

Creating a dental photography portfolio is now considered to be a must for dentists – especially ones who are just starting their career. A good portfolio can help you to stand out in a crowd and showcase specific skills when applying for a job. 

As dentists ourselves, we’ve pulled together some of the advice we’ve gathered over the years for creating an excellent dental photography portfolio: 

Invest in good equipment 

Several things can help your dental photographs to look better, and Spectrum Brand ( recommends investing in a backdrop, camera that takes high-quality pictures, dental mirrors, retractors, dental contractors and a good lighting source. It might seem like a daunting list upfront, but don’t worry – phone cameras are now often good enough to use for portfolios like this, and the retractors and lighting is the only crucial part of this shopping list. If you’re short on cash, maybe prioritise the retractors and lights, and consider buying the rest in the future. 

Practice, practice, practice

A good photography portfolio isn’t about taking a quick snap and continuing with your day – and you will benefit significantly from putting the time in to take a good picture. Consider practising some photos with a friend, and make sure that for every shot you’re presenting in your portfolio, you take several images to give yourself options. Take your time to make sure the lighting is working effectively and not casting shadows on key areas in the patients’ mouth. 

Cater to your audience

Your portfolio doesn’t need to include everything you’ve ever done – and details that your priority should be showing ‘skill and competencies and the proactivity, care and consideration that dentists take to demonstrate their ability.’ ( – if you’re applying for a job where a specific skill set might give you the edge, showcase it to demonstrate that you’ve done your research beforehand. 

Big up your photos 

It’s beneficial for you to include a one-page summary with each photograph – showing the treatment that has taken place and perhaps even backing it up with stats of how many times you’ve performed it. Remember there’s nothing wrong with including your achievements and awards in your portfolio too – as this can help you to stand out. 

We wish any dentists putting a portfolio together good luck! If you need any help, get in touch!

Reference links:

How embracing Teledentistry will drive your case acceptance

How embracing Teledentistry will drive your case acceptance

Traditionally, healthcare has focused on face-to-face consultations, and as other sectors have embraced working and holding meetings remotely, healthcare and dentistry has fallen behind. It’s believed that the slow adoption of AI-based healthcare has been due to patients being more comfortable with human consultations, and even though 80% of people are likely to use technology to access healthcare this year, only 20% trust AI generated advice. 

One solution that combines both new technology and face-to-face care is remote consulting. Not only is using mobile technology to see patients part of WHO’s COVID-19 response strategy, it’s a solution that can improve quality of care for marginalized communities, those who struggle to access care and those with long-term health issues. 

As an industry, we were beginning to make steps towards building vital patient trust and facilitating more virtual journeys with customers before COVID-19 hit – and now the virus has had a significant impact on healthcare, and specifically dentistry. We’re all wondering what the future is going to look like, and there’s fear that dentistry could be devastated by future waves of the virus – though it is not without hope.

As lockdown begins to ease, the furlough scheme scales down, and we adapt to a new normal, the future of dentistry remains unclear. The use of aerosols has defined dentistry as high-risk, and vaccine production is still far in the future. With patient numbers facing a significant reduction, as much as 30 to 8 a day in some practices, dentists need to ensure that they can drive income so that they can cover overheads, remunerate staff and ease worry. For many, it’s difficult to know how to do that without creating unnecessary risk for themselves, staff and patients. 

We believe that the change dentists need to embrace right now is the virtual patient journey, bringing as many patients as possible online for their consultations to ensure the safety of the practice and the patient, provide vital income during COVID-19 and ensure that dentistry is set for the future. That’s why we’ve created Chairsyde, an end-to-end virtual patient journey that can allow you to practice safely during the pandemic and adopt technology that will benefit your practice long into the future.

What are the benefits? 

Safety for everyone involved

Safety is key, given the threat of a second peak of the virus, and something that needs immediate consideration is how we survive the pandemic economically, while maintaining safety that prevents the spread of the virus. Bringing your practice online gives you the opportunity to consult with patients without putting anyone at risk. This means that your patients can maintain their relationship with your practice, and you can keep your clinic safe and reduce worry. 

A better use of time and increased income 

We finally have more time. We can utilise this as time well spent listening to our patients, understanding their needs and educating them on their condition and treatment options, which ultimately leads to better oral health outcomes. Teledentistry allows you to consult with patients during clean-down times and fallow periods – meaning that you can optimise time that wouldn’t otherwise generate income. As patient numbers have declined, this is a vital compromise that can help you to bring revenue in and work more effectively. 

Higher treatment acceptance

A virtual patient journey can also give you the chance to share treatment plans with your patients in a way that’s much easier for them to understand – by using animations and follow up emails that clearly lay out the next steps. It allows you to build relationships with your patients and educate them to ensure better oral hygiene. It also protects you from litigious claims by tracking your consultation’s steps, validating the consent process and so protecting you in the future.

Keeping your data safe

One of the biggest fears about embracing new technology is the security of data, which has only been intensified by over 500,000 passwords being stolen from video-consultation mogul, Zoom, at the start of April. Chairsyde has been built especially for dentists, and so we’ve ensured you have the security you need when making video calls, managing data and taking payments. 

End-to-end solution 

Chairsyde offers more than a remote call. It’s also the chance to bring your entire practice online – giving your patients the chance to select a date and time for their consultation, the dentist they would like to speak to – and even to pay for their appointment. This stops you from having to move between systems and payment methods, so that your practice can work more efficiently. 

Moving your patient journey online is more than a quick-fix solution for the pandemic – it’s a future facing move that will ensure that dentistry can continue to sustain itself as our society becomes more technology focused. 

Times are changing, and it’s time for dentistry to change and adapt too. To find out how you can take the first steps towards a virtual patient journey, get in touch today. 

180 children a day have extractions under GA. Can Teledentistry save kids teeth?

180 children a day have extractions under GA. Can Teledentistry save kids teeth?

Telling a parent that their child needs multiple teeth removed is heartbreaking. Something I strive to prevent. Over the past week, there have been several concerning articles about rising figures of children’s tooth decay and the substantial cost it has to the NHS each year – more than 40m. Most children have at least one tooth removed, leading to over  44,685 surgical procedures in those 18 and under in 2018/19. 

These figures are problematic, and the worry becomes more prominent when considering the future. There’s a fear that during lockdown, many children have been indulging in more sugary snacks and drinks alongside interruptions to their oral healthcare education – disrupting preventative measures that might usually be in place. 

These figures suggest a huge problem, especially as it’s likely that more impoverished communities will be affected the most by dental decay—figures of decay rise to 34% in deprived areas, compared to 14% in wealthier ones. In response, the LGA is calling for extra funding for oral hygiene programmes. Mick Armstrong, chair of the British Dental Association, also said, “It’s inevitable these figures will go from bad to worse, as lockdown diets, the suspension of public health programmes and the collapse in access take their toll.” 

Prevention is key 

We know that the best way to improve oral health in the long-term is through prevention – but this is more challenging than ever when COVID has restricted visits to dental practices. 

Teledentistry was created with the potential “to eliminate the disparities in oral health care between rural and urban communities.” During the pandemic, WHO has acknowledged how telemedicine can benefit underserved communities because it “overcomes distance and time barriers between healthcare providers and patients. Further evidence points to socioeconomic benefits to patients, families, health practitioners and the health system, including enhanced patient-provider communication and educational opportunities.”  

At Chairsyde, we’ve said from the get-go that our mission is to improve oral health education for our patients – and one of the ways we’ve worked to achieve this is through teledentistry. Due to the nature of COVID, it’s vitally important that we consider ways of integrating Chairsyde Teledentistry into our communities to offer vital oral health education, preventing future dental decay in children at such a substantial cost to the NHS. After experiencing the uses of teledentistry around the world, we agree that we should ensure “access is available to vulnerable patients […] who may have difficulty accessing virtual services.”

Already, Chairsyde Teledentistry focuses on education – with a suite of animations, photographs and annotations that help patients to clearly understand their treatment and how to look after their oral health better. We’re now thinking of ways that we can cater our animations to children, using Chairsyde in schools to create a fun, easy to understand experience that’s vital for their oral health learning. By utilising our platform in this way, we can ensure children continue to receive their education while keeping our dentists safe and reducing the risk of their exposure. Furthermore, we’re able to educate children at school who might not have access to the internet at home. 

We believe that now is the time to bring the focus back to prevention and remote oral health education to create a healthier future for our children.

The “lipstick” effect – how dentists are experiencing a surge in demand for cosmetic work

The “lipstick” effect – how dentists are experiencing a surge in demand for cosmetic work

The “lipstick” effect is a theory that during economic crises, the sales of less-costly luxury goods will go up. It’s believed that this effect can be traced back to the Great Depression, where cosmetic sales continued even though many people were out of work and struggling financially. This continuation of purchasing has also taken place in WW2 (alongside a propaganda campaign to wear make-up as a patriotic duty) and after other historically significant events. 

At the beginning of lockdown, UK online beauty sales soared by an impressive 53%, supposedly because consumers were turning to self-care that they could manage at home. It’s now believed that this increase in sales is the beginning of a similar “lipstick” effect to those that have been recorded in the past. Instead of indulging in unnecessary luxuries, consumers are focusing on products and treatments that make them feel good about themselves and can help them to improve their lives from the comfort of their own home. 

Alongside this beauty-sale-boom, there has been a significant increase in the uptake of aesthetic and cosmetic surgeries. It’s believed that this is for two main reasons: that more people are becoming self-conscious after seeing themselves on Zoom, and that lockdown offers the opportunity for people to undertake and heal from procedures discreetly. Consequently, some cosmetic surgeries have seen appointments double since the beginning of March.

What does this mean for cosmetic dentistry? 

With the ‘lipstick effect’ in full swing, dentists are experiencing a surge in demand for aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry. It could be considered that this is due to several factors. With more dentists embracing the digital, patients are now able to consider and access the cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry treatments they might have been interested in without a trip to the practice. This means that patients can access professional, high-standard, and bespoke care from their dentists to ensure that they’re getting the quality treatment journey they need – all without leaving their house. 

Interestingly, booking for initial remote consultations for aesthetic and cosmetic treatments has seen a huge boom over the last few months. It’s believed that this is because remote appointments are accessible, take up little time, and are often cheaper than in-person consultations – meaning it’s likely that remote consultations will continue to increase in popularity after the pandemic.  

End-to-end teledentistry platform, Chairsyde, allows dentists to provide exceptional patient services remotely. With a package of animations, photographs, annotations, and a bespoke visual treatment journey for patients – dentists can provide aesthetic and cosmetic treatment options clearly and effectively. Already we’ve seen dentists experiencing up to a 32% increase in treatment uptake through using Chairsyde. 

It’s an interesting time to consider the ways that patients prioritise their spending and what matters most to them. Ensuring that as practice you’re in a position to facilitate your patients’ needs remotely and give them access to the services they need is vitally important.

How embracing a new virtual patient journey will drive your dental practice

How embracing a new virtual patient journey will drive your dental practice

Traditionally, healthcare has focused on face-to-face consultations, and as other sectors have embraced working and holding meetings remotely, healthcare and dentistry has fallen behind. It’s believed that the slow adoption of AI-based healthcare has been due to patients being more comfortable with human consultations, and even though 80% of people are likely to use technology to access healthcare this year, only 20% trust AI generated advice. 

One solution that combines both new technology and face-to-face care is remote consulting. Not only is using mobile technology to see patients part of WHO’s COVID-19 response strategy, it’s a solution that can improve quality of care for marginalized communities, those who struggle to access care and those with long-term health issues. 

As an industry, we were beginning to make steps towards building vital patient trust and facilitating more virtual journeys with customers before COVID-19 hit – and now the virus has had a significant impact on healthcare, and specifically dentistry. We’re all wondering what the future is going to look like, and there’s fear that dentistry could be devastated by future waves of the virus – though it is not without hope.

As lockdown begins to ease, the furlough scheme scales down, and we adapt to a new normal, the future of dentistry remains unclear. The use of aerosols has defined dentistry as high-risk, and vaccine production is still far in the future. With patient numbers facing a significant reduction, as much as 30 to 8 a day in some practices, dentists need to ensure that they can drive income so that they can cover overheads, remunerate staff and ease worry. For many, it’s difficult to know how to do that without creating unnecessary risk for themselves, staff and patients. 

We believe that the change dentists need to embrace right now is the virtual patient journey, bringing as many patients as possible online for their consultations to ensure the safety of the practice and the patient, provide vital income during COVID-19 and ensure that dentistry is set for the future. That’s why we’ve created Chairsyde, an end-to-end virtual patient journey that can allow you to practice safely during the pandemic and adopt technology that will benefit your practice long into the future.

What are the benefits? 

Safety for everyone involved

Safety is key, given the threat of a second peak of the virus, and something that needs immediate consideration is how we survive the pandemic economically, while maintaining safety that prevents the spread of the virus. Bringing your practice online gives you the opportunity to consult with patients without putting anyone at risk. This means that your patients can maintain their relationship with your practice, and you can keep your clinic safe and reduce worry. 

A better use of time and increased income 

We finally have more time. We can utilise this as time well spent listening to our patients, understanding their needs and educating them on their condition and treatment options, which ultimately leads to better oral health outcomes. Teledentistry allows you to consult with patients during clean-down times and fallow periods – meaning that you can optimise time that wouldn’t otherwise generate income. As patient numbers have declined, this is a vital compromise that can help you to bring revenue in and work more effectively. 

Higher treatment acceptance

A virtual patient journey can also give you the chance to share treatment plans with your patients in a way that’s much easier for them to understand – by using animations and follow up emails that clearly lay out the next steps. It allows you to build relationships with your patients and educate them to ensure better oral hygiene. It also protects you from litigious claims by tracking your consultation’s steps, validating the consent process and so protecting you in the future.

Keeping your data safe

One of the biggest fears about embracing new technology is the security of data, which has only been intensified by over 500,000 passwords being stolen from video-consultation mogul, Zoom, at the start of April. Chairsyde has been built especially for dentists, and so we’ve ensured you have the security you need when making video calls, managing data and taking payments. 

End-to-end solution 

Chairsyde offers more than a remote call. It’s also the chance to bring your entire practice online – giving your patients the chance to select a date and time for their consultation, the dentist they would like to speak to – and even to pay for their appointment. This stops you from having to move between systems and payment methods, so that your practice can work more efficiently. 

Moving your patient journey online is more than a quick-fix solution for the pandemic – it’s a future facing move that will ensure that dentistry can continue to sustain itself as our society becomes more technology focused. 

Times are changing, and it’s time for dentistry to change and adapt too. To find out how you can take the first steps towards a virtual patient journey, get in touch today. 
